Why a VA?
Society of Virtual Assitants - Approved Member
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The benefits of using a ‘virtual assistant’ are:

  • I am home-based, so you do not have to worry about the overheads associated with an employee, e.g. office space, holiday pay or equipment.
  • You only pay me for the work I do, so you are not paying someone who is not being fully utilised.
  • I can give you consistent support during periodic or seasonal projects.
  • You are advised of the cost before work commences, so you can control your budget.
  • I can free up your time so you can concentrate on both your current clients and your competitors clients.
  • I am flexible and not a 9 to 5 business, so can work ‘out of hours’ if necessary.
  • I can take the pressure off you by removing the administration from your workload.
  • I can provide you with additional support during busy periods.
  • You get more ‘me time’ to pursue other interests outside of work.
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Ó2011 Osborne Office Aide